
What is AREO?

AREO is a cutting-edge software that guides the user to size any renewable energy plant (combination of wind turbines + PV) with any storage system (BESS, hydro...) combined with an electrolizer (to obtain any chemical product) to maximize the project profitability.

It can run on any computer by any user, whichever its background. It is very intuitive and easy-to-use.

Supported technologies in AREO

Model inputs

AREO has been designed to provide the most accurate results for the minimum required inputs.

These inputs are introduced via excel sheets for each technology. AREO supports any timestep and length for the input series and expresses its outputs coherently to this format.

Examples of inputs are: power resources and price forecast time series, technologies constraints, loads, performances, CapEx, OpEx curves and basic economic aspects as taxes and balance parameters to compute NPV, IRR, LCOE...

AREO input data

As an example, wind (blue), PV (orange) and pool prices hourly and yearly averaged (black) dataseries are shown.

Accurate generic storage model

AREO can handle any type of storage with any storage duration operation within every market at once. It can resolve for all system frequencies, associated to large timescale storage systems, that existing software ommit.

AREO does the unintuitive work with energy shift from price valleys to price peaks. Allowing to charge from grid when specified (taking into account grid taxes).

Storage optimization

One can see how the storage system behaves differently when renewable energy naturally imposes constraints to when it can pour power to the grid.


AREO results offer enough valuable information to determine and understand any hidden dynamics of the power system applying a simple statistical analysis tools. This is necessary to calculate, e.g. battery system degradation and therefore assess how this affects o the project economics.

Complete dataseries are written in an output data sheet to calculate any derived quantity, so results are clear and trustable: there are no hidden or non traceable information that clients cannot check by their own.

Post process statistics

This statistics can be easily extracted through a manipulation of the ouputs from AREO.

Chemical production

AREO takes advantage of its powerful optimization engine to incorporate the ALL-IN-ONE optimization strategy. This constists on optimizing the production of any chemical an electrolyzer may provide (hydrogen, ammonia..) with the production of energy to be sold to the market.

This methodology incorporates a chemical storage that plays an important role when a chemical demand is set and must be fulfilled while minimizind the market exposure.

Electrolyzer flux

This image decribes how chemical flux (in this case hydrogen) mets the required demand using a hydrogen tank and filling gaps with the lowest pool price.